Our Services - Assessment & Therapy

At Strive, we assess and provide therapy in English, French & Punjabi.

Therapy for Language

Therapy for language involves working to improve receptive language (i.e. language understanding) and expressive language (i.e. the ability to express one's thoughts, ideas and feelings, including using vocabulary, grammar & sentence structure)

Therapy for Fluency/Stuttering

Stuttering is a disruption of fluent or smooth speech.  This can greatly impact the way your child participates in school, socializes with peers, or even interacts at home. This type of therapy supports children in increasing their education & awareness therapy while trialling various therapeutic techniques.

Therapy for Speech

Some children struggle to produce one or multiple sounds correctly, impacting how much we can understand their speech. This type of therapy involves improving speech clarity.

Therapy for Apraxia

Apraxia of speech involves difficulty with planning and programming of muscle movements, despite intact muscle strength. This type of therapy aims to improve the motor planning/programming that is necessary for speech production.

Therapy for Social Communication

Social communication therapy helps children in interpreting and using skills such as non-verbal communication (e.g. facial expressions, tone of voice), play, turn-taking, conversation skills, etc.

Therapy Involving AAC

AAC stands for 'augmentative & alternative communication,' which is all of the ways that someone communicates besides talking such as gestures/facial expressions, pointing to photos/pictures/words or using an app on an iPad. This type of therapy aims to help your child’s communicative abilities to support and augment their verbal speech and improve language skills.

Our Philosophy

At Strive, our philosophy involves:

  • child-led & play-based therapy

  • evidence-based practice

  • collaboration (with families & professionals)

  • cultural awareness & sensitivity